"Agapanthus, what a wonderfully graceful plant. In the summer he crowns himself the emperor of the garden with his upright stems on which come beautiful thick flower buds that open in beautiful shades of blue or white."
That's how I thought about these plants when, as a young boy, I got to know Agapanthus on the Agapanthus Days of Maurice Vergote. This feeling always stayed with me and it soon became clear that I wanted to do something with these plants someday.
Coincidentally, one day Maurice could no longer support the breeding and collection due to health reasons. The future for this many years of work and knowledge threatened to be lost. I could not let this happen and together with Maurice and his knowledge we moved the nursery to where it is now located in Aalter.
With great enthusiasm, I continue to expand Maurice's collection and every year new, beautifully flowering varieties are added to the existing range. This is a beautiful story where years of knowledge and experience are passed on to a new young generation, and continue this with as much enthusiasm and passion for the profession as my predecessor.